ticinoWEB Versione Odoo 13.0+e

Informazioni su ticinoWEB istanza di Odoo, il ERP open source.

Applicazioni installate

Add Three Field on Partner
Add Three Field on Partner
Auto Hosting Invoice
Create Automatic Hosting Invoice for Next Year
ticinoweb customisation
Sommario Commissioni
Show Commission details and summary, on employee form
Google Ads VSD Automation
Auto calculate and close VSD
Invoice Enhancement
Customized Invoice View and Process, Hide actual states on invoices, added new LookUp states, apply batch widget(capsule) on states, Lookup states are: Draft, Sent, Posted, Paid and Cancel
Marketing Report
Marketing Report from Google, Facebook etc
Multiple Invoice from Sale Order
Create multiple invoice for single sale order
Contact fields to Partner
Add some additional fields related to contact to partner/contact form.
Commission Mail
Auto Send Mail to Customer/Sales Person
Task Kanban View
Beutify Task Card View
VSD and Points for Helpdesk Ticket
To be added (0.10) VSD Points for helpdesk ticket is customer response is happy
VSD and Points System
VSD and Points System for employee
Monitoraggio contatti e chiusura di opportunità
Sito web 1
Creazione di siti web aziendali
Odoo 13 Accounting
Accounting Reports, Asset Management and Account Budget For Odoo13 Community Edition
Organizzazione e pianificazione dei progetti
Gestione del magazzino e delle attività logistiche
Fatture e pagamenti
Dai preventivi alle fatture
Organizzazione del lavoro con i promemoria
Vendita di prodotti in rete
Ordini di acquisto, offerte e contratti
Informazioni centralizzate sui dipendenti
Gestione delle presenze dei dipendenti
Selezione del personale
Gestione dei canali di reclutamento
Note spese
Presentazione, conferma e rifatturazione delle note spese dei dipendenti
Creazione di bacheche personalizzate
Rubrica degli indirizzi centralizzata
Document Management System
Enterprise online document management
Document Sidebar
Document sidebar in form view
Helpdesk Management
Allocate time off and follow time off requests
Gestione competenze
Gestione delle competenze, preparazione e curriculum dei dipendenti
Invoice WhatsApp Integration
Send Invoice Details to your customer via WhatsApp
Chat, posta elettronica e canali privati
SMS Marketing
Creazione, invio e monitoraggio SMS
Chatter Message Edit Delete
Chatter edit delete items, message, chatter add notes, chatter notes, chatter comment, delete notes, delete note, message edit, message delete, chatter message edit delete
Password Manager
The tool to safely keep passwords for shared use
Cancel Invoice | Cancel Payment
Cancel Account, Cancel Invoices, Cancel Payments,Invoice Cancel, Payment Cancel, Cancel Bill,,Bill Cancel, Cancel Receipts, Accounting Cancel,Delete Account,Delete Invoices,Delete Payments, Delete Bills, Remove Invoice,Remove Bill Odoo
Activity Reminder
Activities Daily Reminder,Mail Activity Reminder Notification,Popup Activity Reminder,Pop Up Activity Reminder,Activities Reminder,Schedule Activity And Notification,Activity Daily Reminder,Daily Activities Management,Due Date Reminder Odoo
HR Payroll - Community Edition
Payroll System,Human Resource Payroll,HR Payroll,Employee Payroll Records,Salary Rules,Salary Structure,Print Payslip,Payslip Journal Entry,Payslip Journal Item,Payslip Accounting,Employee Salary Management Odoo
Payroll Accounting - Community Edition
Payroll System,Human Resource Payroll,HR Payroll,Employee Payroll Records,Salary Rules,Salary Structure,Print Payslip,Payslip Journal Entry,Payslip Journal Item,Payslip Accounting,Employee Salary Management Odoo
Payslip Cancel - Community Edition
Payslip Cancel Odoo, Reject Payslip, Cancel Employee Payslip, Delete Payslip Module, Reject Payslip, Remove User Payslip, Denied Payslip App, Cancel Journal Entry, Remove Journal Entry, Cancel Payslip, Payslip Cancel, Reject Journal Entry Odoo
Project Own Checklist
make checklist app, reminder for project checklist, find sub task checklist, remember of important things, project own checklist odoo, project checklist module odoo
Schedule Activity for Multi Users
Activity Scheduler, Activity Management, Schedule Activity to Multiple Users, Schedule Multiple Activity Module, Arrange Activity Same Time App, Multiple Activity Multiple User, Organize Planned Activity, Create Activity For More Users Odoo
Task Own Checklist
list of work reminder app, subtask checklist module, list of incomplete work odoo, remember of important things, task checklist
Import Update Records
Update existing records instead of creating new ones during import
Invoice tag
Configure and Display tag in Invoice
ticinoweb Knowldge extend
Added kanban and activity view in Knowledge. Credits: Giovanni Frino & Chetan
Odoo Data Migration Source
API for migrating data from Odoo 13 to other Odoo instances
Crea e personalizza le tue applicazioni Odoo
Web Theme Classic
Contrasted style on fields to improve the UI.
Marketing via e-mail
Creazione, invio e monitoraggio e-mail
Schedule employees' meetings
Pubblicazione di articoli, annunci e notizie in un blog
Lavori online
Gestione del processo di reclutamento in rete
Gestisci e pubblica una piattaforma eLearning
Parco veicoli
Gestione parco veicoli e costi auto
Pubblicazione eventi, vendita biglietti
Chat con i visitatori del sito web